Mohit Tandon Burr Ridge recommend the Following Home Remedies for Yellow Teeth.
According to Mohit Tandon Burr Ridge Looking good is still different, but the yellowness, dirt of the teeth also prove to be harmful for health in many ways. Whatever you eat goes into the stomach only through the mouth, dirty teeth is like compromising on health. On the other hand, bad breath, gum bleeding, cavity are the result of not taking proper care of the teeth. Due to which your confidence also decreases. So, No matter how beautiful the face is, Teeth also affect the beauty.
- Neem Powder: Firstly, Neem powder can be used to remove yellowness from the teeth. Brush your teeth with Neem Powder. The antibacterial properties of neem remove bacteria from the teeth.

2. Baking soda: Secondly, Baking soda acts like a bleach on the yellowing of the teeth. Accordingly Mohit Tandon Burr Ridge, Make a paste by mixing water in baking soda and keep this paste 3 to 4 minutes on your teeth and brush your teeth with toothpaste and clean them normally.

3. Lemon peel: Accordingly Mohit Tandon, Rubbing lemon peel on the teeth for 3 days in a week after eating food shows good effect.

4. Mustard oil: Mix a few drops of mustard oil in half a teaspoon of salt and clean the teeth with it. Clean the teeth with this paste and after some time wash the teeth. Your teeth will shine.
5. Strawberry: Mohit Tandon says, crush the strawberries lightly in a utensil and keep it on the teeth for 7 to 8 minutes. This will helps your teeth to become white and It also removes bad breath.
6. Activated Charcoal: Activated charcoal is an absorbent substance that can help remove surface stains. Dip a wet toothbrush into activated charcoal powder. Gently brush your teeth for 2 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and follow with regular toothpaste to remove any charcoal residue. Use activated charcoal sparingly to avoid potential enamel damage.
If the above home remedies for Yellow Teeth do not provide the desired results, consider professional teeth whitening treatments performed by a dentist. These treatments are safe and effective for removing stubborn stains.